We Need Your Support Rogers Park!

While there are many reasons to give this holiday season, the Willye White Park Advisory Council hopes that you will donate to a worthy cause: the Arts. One of the aspirations of the WWPAC is to start a theater program at the Willye B. White Park Center specifically for youth. There is no such program in this area of Rogers Park at the moment. The most obvious benefits of such a program would be to provide a space for these youth to interact in a positive and productive manner, encouraging creativity and exploration while keeping them busy and off the streets. However, the Arts can provide more than just fun activities. The Arts can help develop important skills needed to navigate through life successfully. Through the Arts, children learn how to effectively interact with others and collaborate; they learn leadership skills; and they learn tenacity and perseverance. On a grander note, the Arts serves as a lens in which to explore the human condition. Great music, literature, art, and theater have provided a forum for deep philosophical questions about what makes us human. The arts endows us with perspective and empathy. Success in life requires that we have an understanding of the world and our place in it. Everyone, in every walk of life, should have access to the Arts. If you are looking to donate to a worthy cause this holiday season, please consider joining us as we bring the world of theater to the youth of Rogers Park and all the benefits that come with it.


Thank you and we hope to hear from you!


The Willye White Park Advisory Council [paypal_donation_button]


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