Cultural Programs

Beginners Music Program

Soon after the facility opened, the Willye B White Park Advisory partnered with The Mays Foundation to provide a music program for the children.  It was a beginner music program – the youngsters learned to read music and had three instruments to choose from.  Students were placed in three groups to learn  keyboard, guitar or percussion with their parents consent. They  had after school classes twice a week with music teachers from The Peoples Music School in Uptown.

Joel Hall Dancers

The PAC submitted a grant to Friends of the Parks to partner with Joel Hall Dance Company to provide an eight week dance class for two age groups.  Even though we were not awarded the grant, the PAC voted to fund the program from previous fundraising activities we started as soon as the PAC was established.  The two dance groups joined in the year end revue of activities at the park.  Their performances were outstanding as beginner dancers.

Growing Talent

We have a themed summer safety kick-off every June.  One years’ theme showcased the creative talents of area youth.  We had art from elementary through high schools and after school programs at area agencies.  A very talented rock band from Sullivan High School provided a concert and other talented youth sang and read poetry.  Freddie’s Kung Fu youth did a karate demonstration for those attending..  Wolfgang Beintzle and his German Wheel Gymnasts performed and also assisted in giving local residents the opportunity to experience the wheel!

World Music Festival

The PAC partnered with the Department of Cultural Affairs to provide a late summer concert in the park as part of the Chicago World Music Festival.  This city wide event brought people from all over the Chicagoland area.

Auditorium Theatre Admit One Program

In January 2018, several children and their parents enjoyed a round trip downtown to see the live performance of Too Hot to Handel: The Jazz-Gospel Messiah is a jazz, blues and gospel version of Handel’s Messiah with soloists, a choir, orchestra and jazz musicians at Roosevelt University’s Auditorium Theatre.  The PAC is looking forward to continuing with this community program.
